Improving the functions of existing products or developing new products help you building unique competitive advantages.
In our experience, most first-time hardware production launches in China are failures in the sense that the initial projections of budgets and timelines are totally blown, often because of widespread quality issues.
With this worrying statistic in mind, our project managers and engineers help creators, inventors, entrepreneurs, and hardware startups get into a position where they can successfully launch production of a new product.
If you only have the design of your product and you still have all the development work ahead of you, you will generally need to go through these 4 steps:
We provide you with hands-on technical guidance, support, and management of these steps, or, if you are already somewhere along them already, we can help you move faster in the direction of mass production.
If you haven’t already launched several products that were manufactured in China, the odds are truly against you. We made NPI the speciality of our Product Engineering department. Our product engineering and project management experts advise and support you along the way.
Who is the new product introduction solution suitable for?
GBI is most helpful to companies that need to develop a new product with electronic and/or mechanical components. It matches our past experience in this domain and the competencies of our engineering team.
Read more about why hardware startups run into problems when launching new products.
Here are typical ways we help purchasers develop thier new products: